Rolligkeit - Trying Catwomanship (2013 / 2015)

„ROLLIGKEIT“ is an interdisciplinary performance connecting the invention of hysteria by reinventing the superheroine catwoman.

The image of a detached uterus as a stray beast, wandering around inside the body, longing for liquids, until setting its fangs into the brain, sucking it dry - the hysteric female body was a landscape of madness, a monster of unknown otherness, screaming and rearing up like cats in heat.

In seven lives I reclaim clichés as superpowers: purrfection suits, furreal maunzmerism, Katzenmusik, licks and promises: I am a wasted pussy, hear me roar!

“It means CHANGE among other things. The cat of yesterday is not the me of today, and the me of the day before yesterday could not ever be the cat of the future, but this is fake, it pretends to be. The cat of yesterday IS me today, and I the day before yesterday am always the cat of the future. I And OR cat move in many directions, and there are no paths without recognition and there are just paws with no names and each way you go is a lining up of old new and broken pieces, fragments in the middle, and there they are, falling apart.”


- putting a spell on reality by reclaiming otherness in actu.


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Antje Prust